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More About our Team


Carley Buck

Eclectic Vinyasa Instructor

I originally came to yoga for fitness, at the time that was enough. It wasn’t until I was a few years into my infertility journey that I started to lean heavily into the more mental and spiritual aspects to help me through. Now I’m a momma and I lean heavily on ALL aspects of yoga to keep me sane through twin mommahood and to help me raise my boys to be kind, mindful and thoughtful.


I’m so passionate about yoga and all of its benefits! I cannot wait to share that with you!


Sandy Bloom

Geometric Vinyasa Instructor

Yoga makes me feel comfortable even when I’m in the weirdest and hardest pose, I feel very strong and confident during practice. I’m always learning and love to be a student more than a teacher but I’m grateful that I am able to share my passion for yoga.

You have a choice to be happy or miserable, jealous or love yourself, either way you choose remember you’re the one who will be taking the hit. Not me not them.


Candace Lain-Fabus

Power Flow Instructor

I took my first yoga class when I was 16 years old. Now, over 20 years later, I can honestly say that yoga has carried me through every important and trying moment of my life. I began teaching yoga about 15 years ago, and received over 500 hours of cumulative training in Baptiste style, power vinyasa, and prenatal yoga. 

Through my teaching, I hope to create a space that helps practitioners find a deep connection to themselves, their breath, bodies, and spirits. I believe that the power to change our world lies within the ability to see into ourselves, and through that grow love, acceptance, and compassion.  

I just recently landed in New York after spending the past three years traveling the country in our school bus, that my husband and I converted into a tiny house. 

When I am not teaching I am homeschooling my three feral children, and spending as much time outside as is humanly possible. 


Elizabeth Graham

Hatha Yoga Instructor

I started practicing yoga in middle school in a small Massachusetts town.  Practicing yoga on and off the mat has been a constant in my life, helping ground me through major life events and chronic illness.  Since taking my first class 25-ish years ago I’ve moved around the country, moving coast to coast, before landing in WNY where I created a home and family.  I’m passionate about leading yoga classes that allow students to feel good in their body, mind and soul.  Aside from yoga I enjoy spending time outside, especially near and in the water, cooking plant based meals for family and friends and spending time with my family.  When I step on my yoga mat I’m home, I invite you home with me.

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